more than three centuries of gunmaking tradition
The Val Trompia is a mountainous region in northern Italy, in the province of Brescia. Numerous historical documents certify the presence of metalworks and arms manufacturing in the Val Trompia region for Centuries. Some samples of the antique Italian craftsmanship in arms are on display in numerous important museums all around the world, a testament to the ingenuity and high level of finesse reached by traditional handcrafters in those long-gone days.
Sabatti's tradition in gunmaking is deeply rooted in this history, with a numerous family that has been active in firearms manufacturing in all specialties for three hundred years.
Among the most famous members of the Sabatti family we can find Lodovico Sabatti, working in the early 1700s in the city of Gardone Val Trompia as an "archibusaro" (master gunsmith), a well known manufacturer of excellent flintlock guns as well as a qualified master "cannoniere" (barrel maker).
Giuseppe Sabatti, another esteemed and skilled gunmaker, worked in Gardone Val Trompia from 1760 to 1815.
Another man by the name of Giuseppe Sabatti worked in the first half of the 1800s as a barrel maker: extremely well respected in his craft, he is considered one of the best damascus barrel manufacturers ever.

Master barrel maker Domenico Sabatti and gunmaker Giovanni Sabatti were active between 1840 and 1880.
Aside from barrel manufacturing, the Sabatti family has also been active in the manufacture of flintlock frizzens, shooting systems, and everything that composed we would today refer to as "actions".
And indeed, when the provisional government of Brescia asked the gunmakers of the Val Trompia region to give "not their blood, but their work in defense of the Motherland" in 1848, four flintlock actions out of ten would be made by Sabatti.

Many others from the various branches of the Sabatti family would lately, either by themselves or in society with others, go on and operate in the firearms manufacturing business up to the present day.
It's not until immediately after the end of the Second World War (1946) that Antonio Sabatti would team up with Giuseppe Tanfoglio to reinvigorate the manufacturing of components for hunting firearms, this time focusing on flintlock actions.
The manufacture of semi-automatic pistols for personal defense would begin in 1956, but the company would dissolve four years later, leaving each of the two associates to keep operating in a specific field.

The sons of Antonio Sabatti would establish a new company in 1960, in the aftermath of thie split; the company has since grown to gain a paramount role in the international sporting arms market.
Emanuele, Antonio and Marco – Antonio Sabatti nephews – today continue to manufacture hunting and sport shooting rifles that are always improved to meet the expectations of customers from all around the world.
And just like in the past, the quality of the barrels and actions are the strong points of Sabatti firearms.